All posts tagged: sculpture

art: more xavier

This is just a truly cool pic. I’ve already blogged about Xavier Veilhan’s exhibition at Versaille. Turns out he has done a lot of interesting installations. This is a shot of Velihan’s Le Grande Mobile at the Allen Lambert Galleria in Toronto. The photo is stitched together using photoshop. Via Daily Dose of Imagery.

art: melinda le guay

Another artist that caught my eye is Melinda le Guay. Her lovely netted pieces were exhibited at Brenda May’s Gallery. She knits enameled copper wire into shift-like dresses. A dozen or so lined the wall and they looked like beautiful whispy sea creatures. The kind of exquisite flotsam and jetsam you might find on a clear morning after a storm. These pieces I could imagine living with…for more wire work have a look at my guest blog post on Design*Sponge last week. I devoted my Wednesday post to all things wiry.

art: one last thing…

I have to include Ellen Weiske in my round up. She works mainly with wire and created some of the wittiest work I saw on Deer Isle. Her wire framed plates (above) and quilt look like intricate drawings and throw the most beautiful shadows. I wanted to take it home with me but it was far too large and fragile for my suitcase.

art: rebecca niederlander

I got an email from LA-based artist Rebecca Niederlander asking if she could use one of my images on her site. I’m so glad she emailed me. I saw her wire sculpture suspended in the kitchen of a home on one of the Dwell house tours and fell in love with it. I kept meaning to write about her…and now I’ve been reminded. Her work – mostly in wire – is very beautiful. Here are just a few pieces…she’s well worth watching.