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interior: invisible perfection

Coco Chanel’s apartment in Paris – now used for shoots and meetings – is a jewel of a place. I heard a short piece on NPR in the car this morning on the apartment and I couldn’t wait to get home and have a look at it. It’s opulent and intimate and so very golden. Odile Babin, a Chanel archivist was interviewed and she mentioned lining a silver box in gold so that only the owner of the box knew the more precious metal was inside. Chanel called it ‘invisible perfection’. Fascinatingly she didn’t sleep here – each night she’d take herself off to the Ritz (a 5 minute walk) and each morning she’d return to her home – to work.

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I am a journalist who blogs about design and architecture. I'm Australian. I live in Los Angeles. I've got two kids, a husband and a house on a hill.


  1. A jewel of a place? This photo doesn’t show it. Looks cluttered. Poinless screens taking valuable space behind dining room chairs. Bust falling off edge of mantle.

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